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Patrick, a young visually-impaired Brazilian who pursues higher studies

(June 2024) Patrick Vieira Engelmann, a student at the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR) in Brazil, is an example of beating the odds. 

Despite near-blindness, with only 3% of his vision in the right eye, he stood out in the ICT Academy program. An inspiring case of inclusive education, with the help of Huawei, he tackled the challenges of visual impairment and the lack of accessible educational platforms and tools in Brazil.

Augusto Pereira Nunes, professor of computer science at IFPR and coordinator of Huawei ICT Academy, highlights not only the fact that Huawei is a technology company that has solid commitments to education, with several social actions worldwide, but also the freedom that the company gives professionals to adapt the teaching materials to the reality of the country. According to him, "going through this experience is transformative for everyone.”

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