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Open Source @ Huawei

Unlimited Possibilities

About HUAWEI Open Source

Use of open source is increasingly widespread. Huawei integrates open source software in an expanding range of products.


Huawei started using open source code 20 years ago. Over time, the company has become a leading contributor at many of the largest open source foundations.

  • Donate openGemini, CNCF's first observability-specific database
    KubeEdge becomes a top-level CNCF graduated project
    openUBMC, a baseboard management controller (BMC) solution, is now open source
    open-eBackup, a software-based cloud-native backup solution, is now open source
  • PyTorch Foundation: Premier Member
    Open source of openInula, a front-end development framework
    Open source of openHiTLS, a cipher suite
  • Open sourcing of ModelBox, Device-Edge-Cloud Unified AI Application Development Framework
    Open source of openGemini, time-series database
    Open source of Kappital, A unified platform for distributed cloud native services
    Open source of Kurator, an open source distributed cloud native platform
  • Jointly initiated Oniro, an implementation of OpenHarmony for global markets with the Eclipse Foundation
    Rust Foundation: Founding Platinum Member
    eBPF Foundation:Platium Member
    O3DF Foundation: Founding Platinum Member
    OpenChain Foundation: Platinum Member
    Python Foundation: Platinum Patron
    Open sourcing and donation to CNCF of Karmada, a cloud native container orchestration sandbox project
    Initiated the ARM-enabled storage STOR project within Linaro
    Open sourcing of MindQuantum, a quantum computing project
    openEuler Project was donated to OpenAtom
  • LF AI & Data Foundation: Founding Member
    Apache Software Foundation: Platinum Sponsor
    Open Invention Network Foundation: Member
    OpenAtom Foundation: Platinum Donor
    SODA Foundation: Platinum Founding Member
    RISC-V Foundation:PlatinumMember
    Open Infrastructure Foundation: Platinum Member
    Open Source Security Foundation: PlatinumMember
    1st and 2nd place in contributions to Linux kernel, Version 5.10 and 5.08, respectively.
    Donated Volcano, CNCF's first batch calculation project
    Donated device OS OpenHarmony to OpenAtom Foundation
    Open sourcing of AI framework MindSpore
    Open sourcing of openGauss, a digital infrastructure database
    Open sourcing of openLookeng, a virtualization Engine for big database
    Open sourcing of EdgeGallery, a 5G edge computing platform
    Open sourcing of Vega, a data vizualization project
  • Eclipse Foundation: StrategicMember
    LF Edge Foundation: Platinum Founding Member
    Continuous Delivery Foundation: Founding Member
    Confidential Computing Consortium: Founding Member
    OpenHW Group: Member
    Donated KubeEdge, CNCF's first edge computing project
    Open sourcing of Volcano, the first cloud native batch computing project
    Open sourcing of openEuler, an operating system for digital infrastructure
    Open sourcing of OpenArk Compiler
  • LF Networking Foundation: Platinum Founding Member
    CarbonData, a PB-level converged data engine, became an Apache top project
    Open sourcing of KubeEdge, a Cloud-native edge computing project
    Starting from Linux kernel version 4.20, Huawei contributions are among top 10 leaders
    Platinum Founding Member of edge computing backbone project Akraino
    Donated the bockchain performance assessment project Caliper Hyperledger
    ServiceComb, a microservice architecture, became an Apache top project
  • Apache Software Foundation: Gold Sponsor
    OpenStack Foundation: Platinum Member
    RISC-V Foundation: Gold Member
    Initiated the software and hardware acceleration framework project Cyborg with OpenStack
    Donated the microservice architecture project ServiceComb to ASF
    Initiated Kata Container with OpenStack to boost container security
    Jointly initiated Zun, a container management project, with OpenStack
    ONAP Project: Founding Member
    DPDK Foundation: Silver Member
  • Eclipse Foundation: Member
    Hyperledger Foundation: Member
    Initiated CarbonData, a PB-level converged data engine; entered it in the Apache incubator.
    Initiated storage management project OpenSDS with Linux
    Donated the distributed SDN controller project DragonFlow to OpenStack
    Donated the network cascading project Tricircle to OpenStack
    Jointly initiated the Data protection service project Karbor with OpenStack.
    Jointly initiated the coordinated orchestrator project OPEN-O
    Jointly initiated ERP, the Arm open-source full-stack verification project
  • Linux Foundation: Platinum Member
    CNCF Foundation: Platinum Founding Member
    Cloud Fundry Foundation: Gold Member
    Open Container Initiative Foundation: Founding Member
    Jointly initiate the service chain project with OpenStack.
    Open sourcing of SMARTS, a driving simulation platform
  • Jointly initiated OPNFV project, an NFV open source platform, with LF Networking
    Jointly initiated the open network operating ystem project ONOS
  • OpenStack Foundation: Gold Member
  • Apache Software Foundation: Silver Sponsor
    OpenStack Foundation: Member
    Linaro Organization: Core Member
    Started large-scale contributions to the Linux Kernel
  • Linux Foundation: Silver Member
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Our Contributions

Linux Kernel 6.10 Code Contribution Ranking
Kubernetes Code Contribution ranking in Asia
Kubernetes Project Maintainer Seats in Asia
TSC, PMC, PTL, Maintainer, Committer, etc.

Experts’ Viewpoints

Ren Xudong
Chief open source liaison officer, Managing Director of OSPO, Board member of CNCF

We expect to see a more open and more successful Huawei open-source platform, fertilizing the soil even better.

Xiong Wei
Member of openEuler Community Technical Committee

We are committed to build openEuler into a world-class open-source innovation platform.

Huang Zhipeng
AI Open Source Ecosystem Expert

We hope that inspiration sparks for all developers in the open-source community.

Liu Guo
Deputy Secretary-General of OpenHarmony TSC, OpenHarmony Mentor

We hope that developers can better understand Huawei's open source panorama through this platform.

Yu Yang
Director of the Open Source Domain of Huawei ICT Cryptography, TSC Chair, EdgeGallery Open Source Community Board Member of the DPDK Open Source Community

A systematic solution is always worth the time.