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Building airports that are passenger-centric, safer

                                Huawei gives air traffic controllers a clear picture all air and ground operations. 

(Posted June 2022) Today, most airport travelers think of crowds, delays, and constantly having to dig out their passport and boarding pass. It’s all about queueing up, showing ID, boarding buses, waiting around, repeatedly.

AI cuts queuing times in the terminal. Facial recognition automates security checks while freeing up passengers from having to constantly fumble with their documents. Passengers need only pause a few seconds, at most, before being allowed to proceed.

Bus transfers to and from distant parking spots are one of the things travelers dislike most. At smart airports, AI optimally matches gates with scheduled flight times.  This minimizes the use of shuttle buses to bring passengers to the aircrafts.  Without AI, optimizing the assignment of bridges to flights is a complex and time-consuming operation.  And it needs to be constantly redone when flights are delayed or arrive before their scheduled time.  

For traffic control, Huawei supplies technologies that give aviation authorities a clear, integrated picture on one map, using air traffic control data from as many as 30 different airports. Austrian air traffic makes use of Huawei solutions.  With its central location, Austria plays a crucial role in the growing European Union transport sector.  Huawei solutions boost safety by integrating more data while keeping the overall situation simple to understand.

5G is key to creating smart airports. Watch Daisy Zhu, Huawei’s 5G lady, explain the role of the technology in airports and other industries.