Read Myanmar
[Yangon, Myanmar, 28 October 2020] –With the aim of assistance in combating second wave of COVID-19, Huawei Myanmar today donated 100 Huawei Y5P– a total value of MMK 11,900,000 in contribution towards Yangon Regional Covid-19 Protection, Control and Treatment Coordination Committee under Yangon Regional Government to upgrade the connectivity between healthcare specialists, volunteers, and to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus in Myanmar.
Over a few months ago, Myanmar started suffering from the outbreak of COVID-19 second wave and the central government instructs every regional government of states and provinces to tighten restrictions for townships which are included particularly under the stay-at-home plan in order to handle the spread of COVID-19.

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Vice Chairman of Yangon Region COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment Coordination Committee, said “Huawei’s contribution of mobile devices is very helpful for us regarding the communication part and data record system, which are the important functions in controlling COVID-19. Now, we, healthcare specialists can perform the operation faster, especially in sharing information between positive areas, negative areas and clean areas via mobile devices – even reaching out to headquarter, quarantine centers and hospitals.”
Mr. Ding Zhaoyi, CEO of Huawei Myanmar, said “Connectivity is one of the key components in fighting the spread of COVID-19 in Myanmar. We hope this contribution will ease the whole procedure from on ground infected areas to hospitals or quarantine centers as in the progress of quarantine. We are happy that we could be able to help the government, and at the same time, looking after the local community.”
Second wave of COVID-19 has a lot of impacts on Myanmar since August, and the rate of infected persons gradually increases day to day. As a responsible corporate and social citizen, Huawei also planned to involve deeply in this combat by cooperating with NGO in near future.
Since 2013, Huawei has long stood as a partner for Myanmar’s people, and in times of struggle, Huawei does not abandon those we hold dear. This further illustrates importance of upscaling ICT adoption within the country-an adoption which can help Myanmar be better equipped and resilient in the face of uncharted obstacles. Huawei the company, and our people, are here to stay in Myanmar, and assist in helping to the communities in the form of ICT developmental initiatives as well as recovery aids when needed.
In last July, Huawei Myanmar had donated technological services in Artificial Intelligence (AI), video conferencing and smart phones to Myanmar – a total value of over 72 million MMK to join hands with the Yangon Regional Government and Ministry of Health and Sports to address on-ground communication challenges, ensuring connectivity and supporting essential services with innovative technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. A few months ago, Huawei also donated N95 masks, hand sanitizers and three-layer masks - a total value of over 16 million MMK in contribution towards Mandalay Regional Government to control the pandemic of COVID-19 within the region.