Corporate Citizenship


Huawei student programme Global ICT Programme

Huawei is convinced that access to education is crucial for maintaining sustainable and fair development opportunities. Telecommunications can play a decisive role in creating this access so Huawei wants to help support ICT in schools.

In order to promote young talents development and ICT education, Huawei has set up an undergraduate student programme at the beginning of 2014.

Every year selected students from seven Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences of different language regions (FHNW North West Switzerland, HSLU Lucerne, HES-SO Geneva, BFH Bern, FHSG St. Gallen, ZHAW Zurich and SUPSI in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland) are given a 10-days training opportunity in Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen and Beijing or Shanghai.

During their training the students attend lectures about HR management within Huawei, about intellectual property rights and about the development of the upcoming technologies; they can also participate to a workshop on Huawei “Cloud-pipe-device strategy” and visit both R&D centers as well as the production plant. Huawei experts take time to answer all of the students' questions and support them in their project work that has been assigned by their universities.

Huawei also organises a "graduation ceremony" for the students during which they receive their certificates, which grant them with 3 ECTS credits.

A stagnation of the digitalisation would mean an increase in the unmet demand for IT specialists in Switzerland. According to ICT-Berufsbildung, Switzerland will have a shortage of up to 30,000 IT specialists by 2022. This is also the reason why it is important for Huawei to promote young people to engage with digital technologies at an early stage.

January 2014

August 2014

August 2015

August 2016

August 2017

Local projects

Climbing rock

Huawei Switzerland is committed to the local community and to show that “we are here to stay and contribute”, in 2010 has donated a climbing rock for the Liebefeld Park, in the community of Köniz.

Summer Kids Camp

Since 2015 Huawei is supporting the community of Dübendorf to set up their yearly Summer Kids Camp, where kids can do sports and recreational activities during the summer holidays, under professional care.

Child and youth support


From September 2011 to end of 2014 Huawei Switzerland sponsored the creaTiV! project initiated by the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern.

It is a platform for young people aged 13 to 18 years old who want to translate their ideas into animated pictures, so they will learn various design techniques and create their own animated films, video works and multimedia animations.

creaTiV! combines art techniques with modern communication tools and explores the boundaries between analogue and digital culture with the help of computers, smartphones, cameras and other digital means. The project can be seen as a successful experiment of exemplarily connecting art and new media.

KiBuK festival

In September 2015 Huawei Switzerland sponsored the 6th edition of KiBuK book festival in Köniz.

It’s the only event of this kind in Switzerland and wants to give kids, young people and families desire to tell stories, to read and to get to know literature. In order to get kids to know some Chinese culture, a workshop has been set up to bring Chinese characters in an entertaining way.

For more information about CSR activities of Huawei in the world, please click here