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Informações Corporativas

Juntos podemos levar o digital a cada pessoa, lar e organização, por um mundo inteligente e totalmente conectado.

Quem é a Huawei?

Fundada em 1987, a Huawei é uma fornecedora líder global de soluções de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Levar o poder da conectividade para cada pessoa, lar e organização, rumo a um mundo totalmente conectado e inteligente: essa é a missão da Huawei. Temos quase 207,000 funcionários e operamos em mais de 170 países e regiões, atendendo a mais de três bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.

O portfólio de produtos, soluções e serviços da Huawei, de ponta a ponta, é competitivo e seguro. Por meio da colaboração aberta com parceiros do ecossistema, criamos valor duradouro para nossos clientes, trabalhando para capacitar pessoas, enriquecer a vida doméstica e inspirar inovações em organizações de todos os tipos e tamanhos. Na Huawei, a inovação se concentra nas necessidades dos clientes. Investimos fortemente em pesquisa básica, concentrando-nos em avanços tecnológicos que impulsionam o mundo.

A Huawei é uma empresa privada totalmente comandada por seus funcionários. Através do Sindicato da Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd., implementamos um Esquema de Participação de Funcionários que envolve 96.768 funcionários acionistas. Nenhuma agência do governo ou organização externa detém ações na Huawei.

Quem controla e gerencia a Huawei?

A Huawei possui um sistema de governança corporativa sólido e eficaz. Os membros do Esquema de Participação de Funcionários elegem 115 representantes para formar a Comissão de Representantes. Essa Comissão elege o Presidente do Conselho e os outros 16 diretores do mesmo. O Conselho de Administração elege quatro vice-presidentes e três diretores executivos. Três vice-presidentes se revezam como presidentes rotativos da empresa. O presidente rotativo lidera o Conselho de Administração e seu Comitê Executivo durante o mandato. O conselho exerce autoridade para tomada de decisões em estratégia corporativa e gerenciamento de operações, e é o órgão máximo responsável pela estratégia corporativa, gerenciamento de operações e satisfação do cliente. Enquanto isso, o Presidente do Conselho preside a Comissão de Representantes. Como o mais alto órgão de decisão da Huawei, a Comissão de Representantes toma decisões sobre questões importantes da empresa, como distribuição de lucros, aumentos de capital e as eleições dos membros do Conselho de Administração e do Conselho Fiscal.

Externamente, confiamos em nossos clientes. Eles estão no centro de tudo o que fazemos e criamos valor para eles com produtos inovadores.

Internamente, confiamos em nossos funcionários dedicados. A dedicação é uma parte essencial da nossa ética de trabalho. Na Huawei, quem contribui mais, ganha mais.

Trabalhamos com as partes interessadas, incluindo fornecedores, parceiros, organizações do setor, comunidades de código aberto, organizações de padrões, universidades e institutos de pesquisa em todo o mundo para cultivar um ecossistema mais amplo que prospera no sucesso compartilhado. Desta forma, podemos ajudar a impulsionar os avanços na tecnologia e aumentar o setor como um todo. Criamos oportunidades de emprego local, pagamos nossos impostos e cumprimos todas as leis e regulamentos aplicáveis nos países em que operamos. Ajudamos as indústrias locais a se tornarem digitais e nos envolvemos abertamente com os governos e a mídia.

Criamos valor para nossos clientes. Juntamente com nossos parceiros, fornecemos equipamentos de rede inovadores e seguros para operadoras de telecomunicações. Fornecemos aos nossos clientes da indústria produtos de infraestrutura de TIC que são flexíveis e seguros. Além disso, fornecemos aos clientes serviços em nuvem estáveis, seguros e confiáveis que evoluem de acordo com suas necessidades. Com nossos smartphones e outros dispositivos inteligentes, estamos melhorando as experiências digitais das pessoas no trabalho, na vida e no entretenimento.

Garantimos operações de rede seguras e estáveis. Segurança cibernética e a proteção de privacidade nossas principais prioridades. Nas últimas três décadas, trabalhamos de perto com nossos clientes de transportadoras para construir mais de 1.500 redes em mais de 170 países e regiões. Juntos, conectamos mais de três bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e mantemos um sólido histórico de segurança em toda a empresa.

Nós promovemos o desenvolvimento da indústria. A Huawei defende abertura, colaboração e sucesso compartilhado. Através da inovação conjunta com nossos clientes e parceiros, estamos expandindo o valor das TIC para desenvolver um ecossistema da indústria mais robusto e simbiótico. A Huawei é um membro ativo de mais de 400 organizações de padrões, alianças industriais e comunidades de código aberto, onde trabalhamos com nossos colegas para desenvolver padrões comuns e estabelecer as bases para o sucesso compartilhado. Juntos, estamos impulsionando a indústria para frente. Nós permitimos o desenvolvimento sustentável. A Huawei contribuiu significativamente para reduzir a exclusão digital e promover a inclusão digital, ajudando a conectar lugares tão remotos quanto o Monte Everest e o Círculo Polar Ártico. Estamos conscientes da importância das telecomunicações em situações de emergência. Tendo enfrentado o Ebola na África Ocidental, a contaminação nuclear provocada pelo tsunami no Japão e o terremoto que atingiu Sichuan, China, nosso povo mantém-se em zonas de desastre para restaurar as redes de comunicações e garantir a operação confiável dos equipamentos essenciais de telecomunicações. Para promover ainda mais a sustentabilidade, priorizamos uma pegada de baixo carbono e proteção ambiental. Também estamos apoiando o desenvolvimento da próxima geração de talentos TIC locais para impulsionar a economia digital.

Nós contamos com pessoas dedicadas que possuem uma forte plataforma de crescimento. A dedicação inspiradora é um dos valores centrais da Huawei e se manifesta de várias maneiras. Avaliamos funcionários e selecionamos gerentes com base em sua contribuição, bem como a extensão de suas responsabilidades. Fornecemos às nossas equipes uma plataforma de desenvolvimento global, dando aos jovens membros da equipe a oportunidade de assumir responsabilidades maiores e acelerar suas carreiras. Desta forma, permitimos que mais de 100.000 pessoas da Huawei gerassem retornos amplos e ganhassem uma experiência de vida memorável.

O que nós apoiamos?

Nos últimos 30 anos, mantivemos um foco inabalável, rejeitando atalhos e oportunidades fáceis que não se alinham ao nosso core business. Com uma abordagem prática de tudo o que fazemos, concentramos nossos esforços e investimos pacientemente para impulsionar avanços tecnológicos. Este foco estratégico é um reflexo dos nossos valores fundamentais: manter a atenção centrada no cliente, dedicação inspiradora, perseverante e crescente por reflexão. A era digital foi generosa. Aproveitaremos ao máximo esta oportunidade histórica e, com ousadia, avançaremos na construção de um mundo inteligente e totalmente conectado.

O que oferecemos ao mundo?

Criamos valor para nossos clientes.

Garantimos operações de rede seguras e estáveis.

Nós promovemos o desenvolvimento da indústria.

Nós contamos com pessoas dedicadas que possuem uma forte plataforma de crescimento.

Potencializando o desenvolvimento sustentável com tecnologia

Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento

Na era da Inovação 2.0, avanços teóricos e novas invenções baseadas em tecnologias básicas ajudarão a enfrentar desafios globais, apoiando nossa visão e suposições para o futuro. À medida que entramos nessa nova era, a Huawei aumentará ainda mais o investimento em inovação, levando a inovação para o próximo nível e fornecendo, constantemente, valor ao setor e à sociedade em geral. Continuaremos trabalhando para construir um mundo totalmente conectado e inteligente, beneficiando assim mais pessoas, lares e organizações.


  • 2023

    We entered a new phase of development for global mobile networks – in both 5G and 5.5G. In 2023, 5G had over 1.5 billion active users and more than 50,000 applications adopted by different industries. In 5.5G, Huawei worked with a number of industry players and leading carriers from around the world to drive its development, promote its technological verification, and accelerate its commercial deployment and rollout. Huawei unveiled its All Intelligence strategy in order to support a vast range of AI models and applications for all industries and accelerate their intelligent transformation. The impressive results of the Huawei Cloud Pangu weather model were published in the esteemed journal Nature in 2023. The Pangu Models 3.0 were also launched to dive deeper into industry scenarios and create new models and capability sets for industries such as finance, government services, manufacturing, mining, meteorology, railways, automobiles, and healthcare. We launched smartphones like the HUAWEI Mate 60 Series and unveiled a new ultra-high-end ULTIMATE DESIGN brand. HarmonyOS 4 was officially launched, and the HarmonyOS ecosystem brought together more than 2.2 million developers to serve the more than 800 million devices running on HarmonyOS. The Kunpeng and Ascend ecosystems welcomed more than 5.7 million developers and 6,300 partners, who have developed over 17,400 certified solutions. Huawei Digital Power helped customers generate 997.9 billion kWh of green power and save 46.1 billion kWh of electricity by the end of 2023. These efforts have reduced CO2 emissions by 495 million tons. Huawei launched its first "0 Bit 0 Watt" wireless solution, which helps carriers strike the optimal balance between mobile network experience and energy consumption. Huawei's proprietary, self-developed MetaERP system was launched, replacing the company's legacy ERP system. Huawei continued to work with international organizations, bringing connectivity to 90 million people in remote regions in nearly 80 countries around the world by the end of 2023. The Seeds for the Future 2.0 program was hosted in over 150 countries and regions, benefiting over 3.4 million people.

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  • 2022

    Huawei released the GUIDE business blueprint and the "Lighting up the 5.5G Era" initiative. We developed more than 100 scenario-based solutions and multiple business units for specific industries, including the Mine BU , Smart Road, Waterway & Port BU, Government Public Services Digitalization BU, Electric Power Digitalization BU, Digital Finance BU, and Aviation & Rail BU. HarmonyOS 3 was launched. Huawei Cloud was deployed in 29 Regions around the world. Huawei Digital Power helped customers generate 695.1 billion kWh of green power and save 19.5 billion kWh of electricity. These efforts have offset 340 million tons of CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to planting 470 million trees. The Kunpeng and Ascend ecosystems brought together more than 5,200 partners and 3.1 million developers to offer over 14,000 certified solutions. The Chaspark Technology Website went live for experts across the world to collaborate on. The website attracted more than 120,000 authenticated users from across multiple academic fields. Huawei's TECH4ALL education projects benefited over 600 schools and more than 220,000 people, including K–12 students and teachers, unemployed youths, and senior citizens. Huawei joined ITU's Partner2Connect digital alliance, pledging to connect 120 million people in remote areas across more than 80 countries by 2025.

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  • 2021

    Huawei had signed more than 3,000 commercial contracts for industrial 5G applications by the end of the year. Over 700 cities and 267 Fortune Global 500 companies worldwide had chosen Huawei as their partner for digital transformation by the end of the year, along with over 30,000 partners in the government and enterprise market, which included over 20,000 sales partners, 1,800 solution partners, 6,200 service and operation partners, and 2,000 talent alliances. Large-scale replication of 5GtoB solutions flourished through more than 3,000 digital transformation projects in eight industries. Huawei Cloud and its partners operated 65 availability zones worldwide, covering more than 170 countries and regions. Huawei Digital Power helped customers generate 482.9 billion kWh of green power and save about 14.2 billion kWh of electricity. These efforts have resulted in a reduction of nearly 230 million tons in CO2 emissions, equivalent to planting 320 million trees. HarmonyOS was deployed on more than 220 million Huawei devices, with over 730 million monthly active users, making it the world's fastest-growing mobile device operating system. HMS Core 6 was also launched, containing 69 kits (including 13 kits with cross-OS capabilities) and 21,738 APIs in seven domains (Graphics, Media, AI, etc.). By the end of the year, more than 5.4 million developers worldwide had joined Huawei's developer alliance, and over 187,000 apps have been integrated with HMS Core, 147% more than in 2020. More than 300 companies up and down the value chain became new partners of Huawei. We had launched more than 30 intelligent automotive components.

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  • 2020

    Huawei supported stable operations for 1,500+ carrier networks across 170+ countries and regions, and Huawei's 5G networks ranked high in multiple third-party tests on 5G network experience in large cities. Huawei participated in 3,000+ innovation projects worldwide and worked with carriers and partners to sign 1,000+ 5GtoB project contracts, spanning 20+ industries. Huawei's AirPON solution was commercially deployed by over 30 carriers around the world, leveraging wireless sites and optical fiber resources to make site acquisition much easier and support quick home network coverage. The RuralStar series solutions provided mobile internet services to 50+ million people living in remote areas in 60+ countries and regions. Huawei was joined by 30,000 partners to serve the enterprise market, including 22,000 sales partners, 1,600 solution partners, 5,400 service and operation partners, and 1,600 talent alliances. Huawei worked with partners to explore and apply Intelligent Twins in over 600 scenarios, covering sectors such as government, public utilities, transportation, manufacturing, energy, finance , healthcare, and scientific research. Huawei Certifications were issued to over 400,000 engineers, with over 13,000 receiving the Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE) certification. Networks built by Huawei have proven instrumental to many carriers' best-in-class performance in LTE/5G network assessments. Huawei was once again named a leader in 5G RAN and LTE RAN, ranking first in all criteria categories of GlobalData's assessments. Huawei's PowerStar solutions were commercialized in 400,000+ sites across China to help customers save 200 million kWh of electricity each year. HUAWEI CLOUD launched 220+ cloud services and 210 solutions, and earned over 80 industry-recognized security certifications worldwide. It worked with 19,000+ partners and brought together 1.6 million developers. 4,000+ applications were launched on the HUAWEI CLOUD Marketplace. Over one billion Huawei devices were used worldwide, including 730+ million smartphones. 120,000+ apps were integrated with HMS Core and more than 2.3 million developers registered with Huawei's developers' alliance, including 300,000 developers outside China. 10 times more apps were launched outside China on the AppGallery than in 2019, making HMS the world's third largest mobile app ecosystem.

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  • 2019

    35 carriers used Huawei's B.E.S.T. Network solution for 5G to launch commercial 5G services. Huawei and Honor smartphones together occupied 17.6% of the global market share, making Huawei the world's second-biggest smartphone brand, and the largest provider of 5G smartphones. Over 700 cities, 228 Fortune Global 500 companies, and 58 Fortune 100 companies chose Huawei as their digital transformation partner. HUAWEI CLOUD offered more than 200 cloud services and 190 solutions, with over 3 million enterprise users and developers developing products and solutions with HUAWEI CLOUD. Huawei launched the Kunpeng 920 Arm-based CPU as well as the Kunpeng-powered TaiShan series servers and cloud services. The AI-Native database GaussDB and FusionStorage 8.0 launched as the industry's highest-performance distributed storage. Huawei announced its computing strategy to usher in an age of exploration for the computing industry along with the Atlas 900, the world's fastest AI training cluster, and HUAWEI CLOUD's Ascend-based cluster services. Huawei revealed its Intelligent OptiX Network strategy, aiming to work with upstream and downstream partners to redefine the optical network industry. Huawei launched its intelligent, distributed, next-generation operating system, HarmonyOS, which can run on multiple devices to provide a seamless experience to consumers in the all-scenario, intelligent era. Huawei opened HMS to developers around the world, allowing them to quickly and conveniently access the HMS ecosystem for app innovation and ecosystem resource sharing. HMS Core integrated over 55,000 apps worldwide. AppGallery was made available in more than 170 countries and regions, attracting over 400 million monthly active users.

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  • 2018

    Huawei's annual revenue surpassed US$100 billion for the first time. Huawei's annual smartphone shipments (including Honor phones) exceeded 200 million units, making the company one of the top 3 global players in the smartphone market. 211 of the Fortune Global 500 companies and 48 Fortune 100 companies chose Huawei as their partner for digital transformation. Huawei's 5G microwave backhaul solutions started seeing large-scale commercial deployment. Huawei unveiled its Ascend series of chips – the world's first AI chip series designed for a full range of scenarios – and new products and cloud services powered by these chips. Huawei released its AI strategy and full-stack, all-scenario AI portfolio, and combined its AI portfolio with all-cloud network architecture to help build autonomous driving networks. Huawei released its first AI chip for smartphones, the Kirin 980. Huawei honored Dr. Erdal Arikan, the father of polar codes, for his dedication to basic research and exploration. Huawei launched a full range of end-to-end 5G products and solutions, based on 3GPP standards.

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  • 2017

    More than 1,000 vendors joined Huawei as partners to build a robust IoT ecosystem. Huawei signed more than 350 NFV and 380 SDN commercial contracts worldwide, and deployed more than 30 commercial air interface CloudAIR (cloud-based wireless) networks. 5G pre-commercial tests were conducted with more than 30 leading carriers in more than 10 cities around the world, surpassing all ITU performance requirements. 197 companies on the Fortune Global 500 list and 45 of the top 100 enterprises chose Huawei as their partner for digital transformation. The Huawei and Honor brands worked together to achieve rapid growth in the consumer market. Huawei shipped 153 million smartphones, securing more than 10% of the global market share , making the company one of the top three phone makers in the world and a market leader in China. The HUAWEI Mate 10 smartphone became the first smartphone embedded with an artificial intelligence (AI) chipset on the market. Huawei's global brand awareness increased to 86%, up from 81% in 2016. The number of consumers considering a Huawei device in non-Chinese markets saw a 100% YoY increase. Huawei established its Cloud Business Unit (now Huawei Cloud). At the end of the year, Huawei's cloud service portfolio consisted of 99 services across 14 major categories. In addition, over 50 solutions were launched for manufacturing, healthcare, e-commerce, connected vehicle, SAP, HPC, and IoT applications. The Enterprise Intelligence (EI) platform was launched, combining Huawei's years of AI expertise and best practices with enterprise application scenarios. Huawei continued to build an open, collaborative cloud ecosystem that thrived on shared success and was joined by 2,000 cloud service partners and four major strategic partners.

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  • 2016

    Huawei supported the stable operations of over 1,500 networks in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over one-third of the world's population. Huawei deployed over 60 4.5G networks worldwide, and its WTTx wireless home broadband solution served more than 30 million households. Huawei signed more than 170 contracts relating to commercial cloud networks and the company's VoLTE and VoWiFi solutions were deployed on 110 networks worldwide. Huawei worked with over 500 partners to provide cloud computing solutions to customers across more than 130 countries and regions, and delivered over two million virtual machines and 420 cloud data centers. Huawei's Smart City solutions were used by more than 100 cities in over 40 countries. Huawei took the lead in drafting nine national standards for smart cities in China. Huawei's omnichannel banking solutions served more than 300 financial institutions globally, including 6 of the world's top 10 banks. The Huawei Better Connected Smart Grid Solution was deployed in 65 countries, serving over 170 customers in the electricity sector. Huawei worked with over 60 industry partners to provide Digital Urban Rail and smart airport solutions for over 220,000 km of railways and highways, and more than 15 airports with annual traffic of over 30 million passengers. Huawei shipped 139 million smartphones, up 29% from 2015, and achieved steady growth in the consumer market for the fifth consecutive year. Huawei's global smartphone market share rose to 11.9%.

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  • 2015

    Huawei was named the world's top patent applicant the second year in a row according to the World Intellectual Property Organization, submitting 3,898 patent applications. Huawei's LTE networks covered more than 140 capital cities and over 400 LTE commercial networks and more than 180 EPC commercial networks were deployed around the world. Huawei partnered with a European operator to build the world's first 1T optical transport network (OTN), and collaborated with BT to complete testing for 3 Tbit/s optical transmission on live networks, the fastest speed in the industry. Huawei launched the world's first SDN-based agile IoT solution. Huawei launched Kunlun, the world's first small server with 32 sockets running on the x86 open architecture. Huawei shipped more than 100 million smartphones. According to GFK, Huawei ranked No. 3 in 2015 global smartphone market, and No. 1 in the Chinese smartphone market.

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  • 2014

    Huawei established new 5G technology R&D centers in nine countries. Huawei had built 16 R&D centers and 28 innovation centers. 186 commercial networks used Huawei's 400G core routers by the end of 2014. Huawei had built more than 480 data centers and 160 cloud data centers as of the end of 2014. Huawei held 183 key positions in 177 standards and open source organizations. More than 75 million Huawei smartphones were shipped in 2014.

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  • 2013

    The Financial Risk Control Center (FRCC) was established in London to manage global financial risks and ensure that Huawei's financial operations remain efficient, secure, and compliant. The European Logistics Center began operations in Hungary, providing support for networks and customers across Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Huawei supported major 5G projects initiated by the European Union, became a founding member of the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) in the UK, and proactively worked to foster a strong global 5G ecosystem. These efforts were supported by the release of Huawei's 5G white paper as well as other joint research conducted in close collaboration with more than 20 universities worldwide. Huawei's commercial 400G router solution was recognized by 49 customers and put into large-scale commercial use. We were the first to launch a 1T router line card for backbone routers, a super-large-capacity 40T WDM prototype, and a new AOSN architecture. Huawei remained the leader in commercial LTE deployment worldwide, with our solutions deployed in more than 100 capital cities and nine financial centers. Huawei launched the world's first service- and user experience-centric agile network architecture, along with the first-of-its-kind agile switch S12700 for new applications such as cloud computing , Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), multi-service support, and Big Data. Our flagship device, the Ascend P6, achieved extraordinary results in terms of both brand awareness and profit. Historic breakthroughs were also made in our smartphone business, and we were ranked among the top three globally. Global brand awareness of our mobile phones saw an annual increase of 110%.

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  • 2012

    Huawei focused on advancing globalized operations, stepped up investments in Europe, invested more in the UK, established a new R&D center in Finland, and set up local boards and advisory boards in France and the UK. 20% of all approved standards applications for 3GPP LTE Core Specifications were contributed by Huawei. Huawei released the industry's first 400G DWDM optical transport system and launched a 480G line card that had the industry's largest capacity in the IP field. By partnering with customers in 33 countries in cloud computing, Huawei built the world's largest desktop cloud, which was used by approximately 70,000 employees for work every day. Sales of Huawei's new middle-range and high-end flagship smartphones, such as the Ascend P1, Ascend D1 Quad, and Honor, soared in developed countries.

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  • 2011

    Huawei unveiled the GigaSite solution and U2Net architecture for ultra-broadband networks. Huawei built 20 cloud computing data centers. Huawei shipped approximately 20 million smartphones. Huawei bought out Symantec to acquire full control of Huawei Symantec for US$530 million. Huawei established its strategic research institute, the 2012 Laboratories. Huawei launched the HUAWEI SmartCare service solution. Huawei received six top LTE awards.

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  • 2010

    Huawei deployed over 80 SingleRAN networks, including 28 commercial LTE/EPC networks. Huawei established the Cyber Security Evaluation Centre in the UK. Huawei signed a Voluntary Green Agreement with China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Huawei joined the UN Broadband Commission for Digital Development. Huawei was presented the "2010 Corporate Use of Innovation Award" by The Economist.

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  • 2009

    Huawei ranked No. 2 in global market share for radio access equipment. Huawei successfully delivered the world's first LTE/EPC commercial network for TeliaSonera in Oslo Norway. Huawei launched the world's first end-to-end 100G solution from routers to transmission systems. Huawei received the "2009 Corporate Award" from IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA). Huawei received the Financial Times' Arcelor Mittal Boldness in Business award for performance in and contribution to emerging markets and ranked the fifth most innovative company in the world by Fast Company. Huawei reduced resource consumption in main products by more than 20% year-on-year and deployed over 3,000 sites powered by renewable energy worldwide.

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  • 2008

    Huawei was recognized by BusinessWeek as one of the world's most influential companies. Huawei ranked No. 3 by Informa in terms of worldwide market share in mobile network equipment. Huawei deployed the company's first large-scale commercial UMTS/HSPA in North America for TELUS and Bell Canada. Huawei ranked No. 1 by ABI in mobile broadband devices for shipping over 20 million units. Huawei became the WIPO's largest patent applicant, with 1,737 applications published in 2008 and 10% of all LTE patents worldwide.

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  • 2007

    Huawei established a joint venture with Symantec to develop storage and security appliances. Huawei established a joint venture with Global Marine to provide end-to-end submarine network solutions. Huawei became a vendor to all top telecommunications operators in Europe. Huawei was the only telecom network solution provider to receive Vodafone's Global Supplier Award. Huawei unveiled the ALL IP strategy for fixed-mobile convergence solutions designed to leverage distinct benefits for telecom carriers, from TCO savings to reduced energy consumption.

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  • 2006

    Huawei divested 49 percent of H3C for USD 880 million. Huawei established a Shanghai-based joint-R&D Center with Motorola to develop UMTS technologies. Huawei launched a new visual identity campaign to reflect the company's core values of customer-centricity, innovation, steady and sustainable growth, and harmony.

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  • 2005

    Huawei's international contract orders exceed domestic sales for the first time. Huawei signed a Global Framework Agreement and became a preferred telecom equipment supplier of Vodafone. Huawei became British Telecom's preferred 21Century Network supplier for multi-service network access components and optical transmission equipment.

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  • 2004

    Huawei established a joint venture with Siemens to develop TD-SCDMA solutions. Huawei won the company's first significant contract in Europe valued at over US$25 million with Dutch operator Telfort.

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  • 2003

    Huawei established a joint venture with 3Com focusing on enterprise data networking solutions.

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  • 2002

    Huawei's international sales reached US$552 million.

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  • 2001

    Huawei sold its subsidiary Avansys to Emerson for US$750 million. Huawei established four R&D centers in the United States. Huawei joined the International Telecommunication Union.

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  • 2000

    Huawei established an R&D center in Stockholm, Sweden. Huawei's international sales reached US$100 million.

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  • 1999

    Huawei established an R&D center in Bangalore, India, which later achieved CMM level-4 accreditation in 2001 and CMM level-5 accreditation in 2003.

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  • 1998

    Huawei entered China's urban telecommunications market.

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  • 1997

    Huawei launched its first wireless solution, an SDH optical switch for 2.5G, and started going global.

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  • 1995

    Huawei's sales reached CNY1.5 billion, mainly from rural markets in China.

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  • 1992

    Huawei launched the company's first rural digital switching solution , the C&C08, with digital controls and Windows interface.

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  • 1990

    Huawei began independent research and commercialization of PBX technologies for hotels and small enterprises.

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  • 1987

    Huawei was established in Shenzhen, China as a sales agent for a Hong Kong company that produced Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switches.

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Quality Policy

  • Always keep in mind that quality is the foundation of Huawei’s survival, and the reason for the customer to choose Huawei.
  • We communicate customers’ requirements and expectations to the entire value chain of Huawei accurately, to build quality together;
  • We respect rules and processes and do things right the first time; We fulfill potential of employees around the globe for continuous improvement;
  • We work with customers to balance opportunities and risks, quickly responding to their needs and achieving sustainable growth.
  • We undertake to provide customers quality-assured products, services, and solutions and consistently enable customers to experience our commitment in creating value for each of them.