Seeds for the Future 2024 - Компания Huawei в Узбекистане

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Seeds for the Future 2024

About the program

Huawei's Seeds for the Future program is the company's flagship CSR program that aims to develop ICT talents globally. With an ever-increasing emphasis on innovation and technological advancements, this program offers a unique platform where young minds can exchange ideas, network with international peers, and gain valuable insights into the ICT sector that will shape their future and promote their participation in the digital community. Since its launch in 2008, more than 18,000 students have participated from 140 countries. The program has been endorsed by more than 450 senior officials and heads of states.

The Tech4Good regional competition, now in its fourth year, will also be held during the Seeds for the Future program to empower and engage the youth in driving positive change within their communities. This year, the Seeds for the Future program will host intensive training sessions and workshops, including cutting-edge ICT technologies, scientific and technological leadership, discussions on global topics and Tech4Good group projects, etc. Through learning and mutual exchange, participants will gain a better understanding of 5G, AI, and cloud technologies, build more strengths for future growth, and improve their competitiveness in the job market.

Huawei has been operating in Uzbekistan for 25 years, working closely with telecom operators, public sector, industries and educational institutions, and Seeds for the Future for Uzbekistan students has been running for 10 years.  For the past years 50 Uzbekistan students took part in the program in China, 82 students - in hybrid format in Tashkent office during pandemic time and 15 students participated in the regional program in Qatar and UAE. Uzbekistan participants of Seeds for the Future 2023 achieved to become ME&CA Regional Champion of Tech4Good competition, Silver Award and People’s Choice Award winners in Tech4Good Global Finals. Outstanding graduates visited COP28 in Dubai, UAE, took part in Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, and joined Huawei activities within Uzbekistan – China forum in Shenzhen, China. Winners of Tech4Good 2023 competition guaranteed to participate in China Digital Trip in June 2024.

Huawei announces launch of selection for Regional Seeds for the Future 2024 program for Middle East and Central Asia countries which will be held in Uzbekistan in August 2024. It will be a week-long internship which includes study of advanced technologies and solutions, number of events with the leading experts, cross-cultural exchange, discover of Uzbekistan, and annual participation in Tech4Good competition.

We invite students of 15 Uzbekistan local Universities to apply for the program.

The criteria for selection are:

  • Senior student (transferred to 3rd and 4th course)
  • GPA of 3.0+ or top 30% faculty ranking
  • High level of proficiency in English
  • Passionate about innovation, digitalization, sustainability, entrepreneurship and cross-cultural communication in ICT-related fields

Application materials:

  • CV (English)
  • Transcript of academic records
  • Cover/motivation letter (English)
  • 3-minute personal video which reflects objective to participate in the program (English)
  • Other materials: awards, recognitions, certificates
  • Be registered in Huawei ICT Academy of his/her University via the link

We invite the students of the below listed universities to apply for the program. The applicants of relevant universities should send the materials to the denoted emails (as archived folder with materials or the link to the cloud drive)

Application deadline – June 15, 2024.

Students passed the first round of selection will be invited to the interview with Huawei representatives.

Follow the link to know about global program Seeds for the Future.

ME&CA Seeds for the Future 2023



Amity University in Tashkent

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute

New Uzbekistan University

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Tashkent branch of REU named after Plekhanov G.V.

Samarkand State University

University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Westminster International University in Tashkent

Tashkent University of Information Technologies

Inha University in Tashkent

Tashkent International University of Education

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

NRU Tashkent institute of irrigation and agrcictultural mechanization engineers

Kimyo International University in Tashkent

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
